May 04, 2006

Tim Leffel's new Perceptive Travel magazine: To Nairobi and beyond...

Tim Leffel, author of The World's Cheapest Destinations, recently launched a great new online magazine, Perceptive Travel, and the third issue is out.

Perceptive Travel delivers quality storytelling by some of the best travel writers around. The magazine's first two issues featured stories by people like Rolf Potts, Jeff Greenwald and David Farley. Sign up for the Perceptive Travel Newsletter to receive an e-mail alert each time a new issue is released.

In the new May/June edition, I take you to the top of a Nairobi skyscraper, where Daniel, the building's janitor, gives me a 360-degree tour of his city and shares its problems and its possibilities. Click here to read Nairobi by Degrees. Enjoy the journey.