December 12, 2005

Click your way around the world

My friend, Julie, a travel lover, is also a Web wizard, and she persistently but gently pesters me to do the things I should do to really buzz this blog and help more readers find it. I know she’s right about feeds and keywords and reciprocal links and search engine optimization, but whenever I sit down at the computer with the intention of tackling some of that stuff, a new travel story gets in the way, and I end up writing something. Keywords, schmeywords. Maybe tomorrow.

So I’m always delighted when somebody new finds me, in spite of myself.

I’ve been meaning, for months now, to thank Erik Olsen, who publishes Gadling, a great blog devoted to “engaged travel” and the “engaged travelers who throw themselves (sometimes literally) into action when they travel.” After enjoying some posts I wrote about Russia, Nassau and Aveiro, Portugal (above), Olsen recommended Ribbons of Highway to Gadling readers. Thanks for the mention, Erik.

And thanks to Top 10 Sources, “a directory of sites that bring you the freshest, most relevant content on the Web.” Top 10 Sources steers you to great content on a variety of subjects, including Travelogues, and Ribbons of Highway made “the list of ten of the best travelogues out there.”

I’ve added Gadling and Top 10 Sources to my newly expanded list of travel-related links. Put on a pot of coffee, and click your way around the world.

And let your friends know about this blog so I can continue to not pay attention to keywords and search engine optimization. Sharing photos and stories is much more fun.

Ribbons of Highway, the book